EDGE Al-Amin Shariah Consumer Fund

EDGE Al-Amin Shariah Consumer Fund (EDGEALAMIN) is a Shariah compliant equity mutual fund. Structurally an equity fund, it will follow strict Shariah filtering guidelines to comply with globally accepted Islamic Finance principles. We have a highly knowledgeable and capable Shariah Advisory Committee to guide us in this process.

EDGEALAMIN is tailor made for Shariah minded investors with a long investment horizon. The greater concentration of investments in high quality names may induce some short term volatility but this should be offset by higher returns in the long run.

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Fund Summary

Key statistics of the mutual fund are shown below.

Inception Date

11 Sep 2022

Fund Size*

BDT 124,635,187



Fund Type

Shariah Consumer Fund



Max Drawdown*

* Published on 31 December 2024

Sectoral Allocation

The table and the pie chart shows how client funds are invested. Data as of 31 December 2024.

Sector Portfolio weight
Pharmaceuticals 38.80%
Consumer 18.40%
Telco 1.40%
Other Equities 30.12%
Shariah Complaint Securities & Cash 11.28%

Performance History

The table summarizes fund performance since inception.

Strategy Name Since Inception 10Y 7Y 5Y 3Y 1Y 6M 3M YTD
EDGE Al-Amin Shariah Consumer Fund 2.00% - - - - 0.00% 1.59% 0.69% 0.49%

Fund Documents

All the key documents related to the fund including quarterly portfolio statements, quarterly financial statements, forms, prospectus etc can be downloaded below.

Features Description
Name of the Fund EDGE Al-Amin Shariah Consumer Fund
Nature Open end Mutual Fund with unlimited size
Life & size of the Fund Perpetual life and unlimited size
Sponsor & Asset Manager EDGE AMC Limited
Trustee Sandhani Life Insurance Company Limited
Custodian BRAC Bank Limited
Initial Size of the Fund Tk. 25,00,00,000 (Taka Twenty-Five Crore) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two Crore Fifty Lakh) Units of Tk.10 (Taka Ten) each
Face value Tk. 10 (Taka Ten) per Unit
Objective To maximize risk-adjusted return for Unit-holders by strictly investing in a portfolio of Shariah-compliant securities issued by the government/ related issuers, consumer oriented corporate entities and NGOs based in Bangladesh. The Fund will invest in Shariah compliant common and preferred equities, initial public offerings (IPO), quasi-equity securities, debt securities and Shariah-compliant money market instruments and deposits.
Minimum Subscription

Tk. 5,000/- per application (500 Units) for individuals

Tk. 50,000/- per application (5,000 Units) for institutions

Not Applicable for SIP investors

Transparency NAV will be calculated on a weekly basis and shall be published on the website of the Fund manager (www.EDGEAMC.com) and as prescribed in the Rule.
Target Group Individuals- both resident and non-resident, institutions- both local and foreign, mutual funds and collective investment schemes are eligible to subscribe the Units of the Fund. The Fund will be best suited for the Shariah compliant investors aiming to invest for longer term (ideally for more than 3 years) and have above-average risk-taking abilities and higher return expectation.
Dividend The Fund shall distribute minimum 70%, or as may be determined by the বিধিমালা from time to time, of the annual net income of the Fund as dividend at the end of each accounting period after making provision for bad and doubtful investments and future depreciation on investments. The Fund shall create a dividend equalization reserve by appropriation from the income of the Scheme.
Dividend Distribution The dividend warrant will be distributed within 45 (forty-five) days from the date of declaration.
Tax Benefit

a) Income from a mutual fund or a unit fund up to tk. 25,000.00 (Twenty-Five Thousand) is exempted from tax under Income Tax Ordinance 1984.

b) Investment in the EDGE Al-Amin Shariah Consumer Fund would qualify for investment tax credit under section 44(2) of the Income Tax Ordinance.

c) The income of the Fund will also be exempted form Tax.


The Unit holders can surrender and encash their Units to the Asset Manager and through the authorized selling agents appointed by the Asset Manager.

The Asset Manager or selling agent shall be liable to re-purchase the units on behalf of Fund.

Transferability The Units of the Fund are transferable by way of inheritance/ gift and/ or by specific operation of the law.
Prospectus, Reports and Accounts Every Unit holder is entitled to receive annual report along with the yearly and half-yearly statements of accounts as and when published on the asset management company's website (www.EDGEAMC.com).
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Facility Systematic Investment Plan or SIP allows investor to invest a certain pre-determined amount at a regular interval (monthly, quarterly, yearly etc.). A SIP is a planned approach towards investments and helps to inculcate the habit of saving and building wealth for the future. Investor can start SIP with a very small amount that is minimum BDT 1,000.
Cumulative Investment Plan (CIP) Facility Cumulative Investment Plan or CIP allows a unit-holder to re-invest dividend income declared by the Fund to be accrued for purchasing Units at the latest disclosed Sale Price after dividend declaration. Reinvestment through CIP allows investors to compound their earnings from capital gain and thus increase their wealth over time.